Region: Europe

Country: Poland Coins

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Poland 20 złotych. 1973 (III) 1973 henry12
Poland 20 złotych. 1973 (II) 1973 henry12
Poland 10 złotych. 1975, Adam Mickiewicz (II) 1975 henry12
Poland 10 złotych. 1984, Bolesław Prus (II) 1984 henry12
Poland 1 złoty. 1949, Cu-ni (II) 1949 henry12
Poland 50 groszy. 1949, Cu-ni (III) 1949 henry12
Poland 50 groszy. 1949, Cu-ni (II) 1949 henry12
Poland 5 złotych from the official bank set issued in 1975 - Polish aluminum coins. 1974 henry12
Poland 2 złote from the official bank set issued in 1975 - Polish aluminum coins. 1974 henry12
Poland 1 złoty from the official bank set issued in 1975 - Polish aluminum coins. 1974 henry12
Poland 50 groszy from the official bank set issued in 1975 - Polish aluminum coins. 1975 henry12
Poland 20 groszy from the official bank set issued in 1975 - Polish aluminum coins. 1975 henry12
Poland 10 groszy from the official bank set issued in 1975 - Polish aluminum coins. 1975 henry12
Poland 5 groszy from the official bank set issued in 1975 - Polish aluminum coins. 1971 henry12
Poland 2 grosze from the official bank set issued in 1975 - Polish aluminum coins. 1949 henry12
Poland 1 grosz from the official bank set issued in 1975 - Polish aluminum coins. 1949 henry12
Poland 5 groszy. 2019 2019 henry12
Poland 5 groszy. 1937 1937 henry12
Poland 5 groszy. 1936 (II) 1936 henry12
Poland 5 groszy. 1939 1939 henry12
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