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Region: Australia, Oceania

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The Titanic sinking is the cheerful theme of this coin. Quite an achievement for the engraver to... 1998 Kiribati
Australia, 20 1967 Australia
Australia 1958 schilling unc. ram silver 1958 Australia
Nauru 2011 10 Dollars. 2011 Nauru
NewZealand 5Cents-km34-1967 1967 New Zealand
Two ounce silver bullion Kookaburra. The exact design changes every year. 2005 Australia
1977 Exonumia Australia
500 francs. 2011, Wallis and Futuna. Bimetal. 2011 Unknown
Australia - Half Pence - 1961 As 1949 issue except with Type 1 Queen Elizabeth portrait 1961 Australia
100 Francs Nickel bronze I.E.O.M. 1976 French Polynesia
Australia 1937 crown. Nice grade. 1937 Australia
1 tala. 1976, Western Samoa. Olympic Games Montreal '76. Weight lifting. 1976 Samoa
Principality of Hutt River (Hutt River Province Principality) 1978 10 Cents. 1978 Australia
Cook Islands, 50 dollars 1988. Great Explorers - Capt. James Cook. 1988 Cook Islands
5 Dollars - Four-leaf clover - 31.1 g Ag 999 - mintage 5,000 2006 Palau
KM-23.2, 1959 New Zealand half penny; bronze, plain edge; light brown about uncirculated. 1959 New Zealand
1928 Florin COUNTERFEIT 1928 Australia
This is strictly a coin from Western Samoa not Samoa, as the did not change its name until 1997.... 1994 Samoa
5 Dollars - Pearl of the sea - 25 g Ag 925 (with real pearl) - mintage 2,500 2008 Palau
Edward VII Melbourne (M) mint sovereign. 1906 Australia
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