Mcektam collection
廣東貳毫, 20-Cents in Silver, Sun Yat-Sen, Kwangtung Province, China Republic Year 18 (1929).
廣東貳毫, 20-Cents in Silver, Sun Yat-Sen, Kwangtung Province, China Republic Year 18 (1929). "In 1928, the Canton Mint was delegated the responsibility of producing the subsidiary silver coinage to accompany the new national ‘Memento’ dollar. This coinage should have been struck at 700 fine, but some was clearly debased." 中華民國十八年廣東省造貳毫銀幣, 孫中山側面像。“一九二八年, 廣東造幣廠奉命鼓鑄銀質輔幣, 以輔補主幣孫中山像壹圓。成色應為七成, 但部份明顯遠低於此。”