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De-Orc's collection (All countries)

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5 Euros Die Fledermaus 2015 Austria
5 Euros 100th Anniversary of WWI 2014 Malta
5 Marks 300th death anniversary of Hans Jacob Christoph von Grimmelshausen 1975 Germany
5 Marks 250th birthday of Immanuel Kant 1974 Germany
90th Birthday of Princess Juliana Silver medal 1999 Netherlands
Copper Half Crown Forgery 1818 United Kingdom
50 markkaa World Ice Hockey Championship 1982 Finland
50 markkaa 80th Birthday of President Kekkonen 1981 Finland
25 Pennia 1921 Finland
10 Pennia 1937 Finland
5 Pennia 1921 Finland
5 euro Animals of the Provinces – Karelia The cuckoo 2014 Finland
5 euro Animals of the Provinces – Finland Proper The Wily Fox 2014 Finland
5 euro Animals of the Provinces – Åland The White-tailed Eagle 2014 Finland
5 Euros Northern Nature – Water 2014 Finland
200 Markkaa 1956 Finland
100 Markkaa 1957 Finland
5 euros Animals of the Provinces – Savonia The black-throated loon 2014 Finland
5 euros Northern Nature – Wilderness 2014 Finland
2 euros Ilmari Tapiovaara and the Art of Interior Design 2014 Finland