

United Kingdom

De-Orc's collection (All countries)

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£2 250th anniversary of Captain Cook’s Voyage 2020 United Kingdom
£5 The Life and Poetry of William Wordsworth 2020 United Kingdom
50p Team GB 2020, Tokyo Olympics 2020 United Kingdom
£5 The White Horse of Hanover 2020 United Kingdom
£5 We Will remember Them 2020 Jersey
Titanic Museum, Belfast. Elongated Penny 2020 Exonumia Europe
Crumlin Road Gaol, Belfast. Elongated Penny 2020 Exonumia Europe
RMS Titanic, Belfast. Elongated Penny 2020 Exonumia Europe
£5. 150 Years of the British Red Cross. 2020 United Kingdom
50p Winnie the Pooh 2020 United Kingdom
£5 Tower of London, The Royal Menagerie 2020 United Kingdom
£5 75th Anniversary of the End of the WWII 2020 United Kingdom
£5 Remembrance Day 2020 United Kingdom
2e Centenary of the Tartu Peace Treaty 2020 Estonia
2e 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Väinö Linna 2020 Finland
2e University of Turku 100th Anniversary 2020 Finland
2e Charles de Gaulle 2020 France
2e 25th Centenary of the Battle of Thermopylae 2020 Greece
2e Aukštaitija Region Coat of Arms 2020 Lithuania
2e Hill of Crosses 2020 Lithuania
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