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alexbq2's collection (All countries)

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AR 5 kopeck 1898 SPB-AG 1898 Russia
Fe Medal 07th Gelological Conference at Kychtym, Russia. 1897 Russia
Fe Medalet 07th Gelological Conference at Kychtym, Russia. 1897 Russia
AR 15 kopeck 1897 SPB-AG 1897 Russia
AE Satirical medal on the alliance of Russia and France by Mayer & Wilhelm. "The World is Round... 1897 Germany
AR 1 Rouble 1897 ** (Brussels Mint) 1897 Russia
AR 1 Rouble 1897 Brussels Mint with malformed start = "birds" 1897 Russia
AE Medal Laudatory for Count I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov. Diakov-1245.1 1897 Russia
Nicholas II coronation token - brass 1896 Russia
AE Prize Medal awarded at the 1896 Lower-Novgorod Industrial and Artistic Exhibition. 1896 Russia
AR 50 kopeck 1896 1896 Russia
AR 25 kopeck 1896 1896 Russia
AR Coronation token of Nicholas 2 1896 Russia
AR Coronation Rouble of Nicholas II 1896 Russia
AR 15 Kopeck 1896 SPB-AG 1896 Russia
AR 25 kopeck 1896 1896 Russia
AE 1 kopeck 1896 SPB 1896 Russia
AE 1/4 kopeck 1896 SPB 1896 Russia
AE Medal from the society for the promotion of the field merits of hunting dogs and of all types... 1896 Russia
AE Prize Medal intended for the Orlov Provincial Husbandry Expo and Auction. Diakov 1196.1 1895 Russia
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