


If you are interested in knowing more info. about my coins feel free to email or comment! I am not selling my coins but if you are interested, you can always ask. Website: gxseries.com

gxseries's collection (All countries)

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Azerbaijian 2006 (ND) 3 qapik. Weight: 3.37g. 2006 Azerbaijan
Azerbaijian 2006 (ND) 1 qapik. Weight: 2.74g. 2006 Azerbaijan
Armenia 2003 500 drams. Weight: 4.99g. 2003 Armenia
Armenia 2003 200 drams. Weight: 4.50g. 2003 Armenia
Armenia 2003 100 drams. Weight: 3.99g. 2003 Armenia
Armenia 2003 50 drams. Weight: 3.58g. 2003 Armenia
Armenia 2003 20 drams. Weight: 2.74g. 2003 Armenia
Armenia 2004 10 drams. Weight: 1.31g. 2004 Armenia
Russia 1976 50 kopek. Rather difficult coin to find. 1976 Russia
Russia 1972 50 kopek. Rather difficult coin to find. 1972 Russia
Russia 1967 10 kopek. Tough coin to find. Possibly from mint set. 1967 Russia
Russia 1809 1 ruble. Rather tough coin to find. Weight: 20.24g. 1809 Russia
Russia 1922 1 ruble. Rather tough coin to find. Weight: 19.97g. 1922 Russia
China 1914 1 jiao. Possible counterfeit. Weight: 2.47g. 1914 China
Turkmenistan 2010 2 manat. Weight: 11.03g. 2010 Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan 2010 1 manat. Weight: 9.43g 2010 Turkmenistan
Chechen Republic 10 ruble. Fantasy issue. Massive coin. Weight: 17.20g. 2012 Russia
Chechen Republic 5 kopek. Fantasy issue. Weight: 14.82g. 2012 Russia
Chechen Republic 2 ruble. Fantasy issue. Weight: 10.57g. 2012 Russia
Chechen Republic 1 ruble. Fantasy issue. Weight: 9.61g. 2012 Russia