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Thessalonica RIC VI 60,B Licinius I AE Follis. 312-313 AD. IMP LIC LICINIVS P F AVG, laureate,... 313 Roman Empire
RIC 266 Divus Claudius II Gothicus AE Antoninianus. DIVO CLAVDIO, radiate head right /... 270 Roman Empire
AFTER CLEANING-Constantine I- RIC VII Constantinople 73-Bronze AE 3 Constantinople mint, 333 -... 335 Roman Empire
PHILIP I RIC VIII 112 ROMAN EMPIRE MOESIA SUPERIOR Viminacium I, Emperor AD 244-249 AE 30... 247 Roman Empire
1882 "FILLED 2" VARIETY-Shield nickel 1882 USA
1848/6 four pence, RARE low grade-KEY date example 1848 United Kingdom
Nikopolis Cop 285 Elagabalus AE26 of Nikopolis ad Istrum, 218-222AD. Radiate, draped and... 222 Roman Empire
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. 148-149 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XII, laureate head right /... 149 Roman Empire
HELENA . mother of Constantine The Great. † c. A.D. 330. Fourth Bronze (16mm, 2gms), posthumous... 340 Roman Empire
Constantine AE Follis. 317 AD. CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right / SOLI... 317 Roman Empire
Antioch RIC VIII 112 Divus Constantine AE3/4. 347-348 AD. DV CONSTANTINVS P T AVGG, veiled head... 348 Roman Empire
DIOCLETIAN A.D. 284-305 Æ Follis. IMP C DIOCLETIANVS AVG, Laureate cuirassed bust right. Rev.... 305 Roman Empire
RIC 58 Postumus Antoninianus Obv: IMPCPOSTVMVSPFAVG - Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.... 265 Roman Empire
Antioch BMC 315 Antoninus Pius- Head right / SC, Z below, all within wreath.23m, 9.3g 161 Roman Empire
Unattributed metal detector find. Found in north yorkshire. Roman coin soldiers and stantard. 333 Roman Empire
Constantinopolis commemorative issue TRP wreath in left field, 1st offinca Trier. Victory On... 337 Roman Empire
Finished coin 337 Roman Empire
AFTER CLEANING-Constantine I AE3 Commemorative - Wolf and Twins-SMK delta RIC VII 90 Cyzicus... 337 Roman Empire
BEFORE CLEANING Constantine I AE3 Commemorative - Wolf and Twins 337 Roman Empire
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