Region: Australia, Oceania

Country: Australia Coins

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Australia 2Cents-km79-1989 1989 Vichaisun
Australia 2Cents-km63-1967 1967 Vichaisun
Australia 1dollar-km84-1994 1994 Vichaisun
Australia 1Cent-km62-1966 1966 Vichaisun
Australia0.5Penny-km22-1926 1926 Vichaisun
1 dollar. 2001, International Year of Volunteers. 2001 henry12
Ultra High Relief 1oz Kangaroo 2010 Broooster
Ultra High Relief 1oz Kangaroo. 2011 Broooster
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1938 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1940 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1945 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1964 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1953 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1962 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1961 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1960 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1959 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1958 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1957 pennyset
Commonwealth of Australia Penny 1956 pennyset