Region: Europe

Country: Austria Coins

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2 kreuzer 1848 Vfox
Ein thaler, Prussian 1785 Vfox
1 kreuzer 1795 Vfox
20 heller 1893 Vfox
15 Kreuzer 1807 Vfox
10 kreuzer, not heller according to Saankarite, thanks. :) 1870 Vfox
10 heller 1894 Vfox
3 pfennige 1846 Vfox
3 centesimi 1852 Vfox
1 kreuzer 1851 Vfox
1 heller 1897 Vfox
1 Florin 1860 Vfox
1 kreuzer. KM# 2187 Thanks HKMAL. 1885 Vfox
20 Kreuzer, Salzburg. A huge planchet flaw on the obverse and PVC damage.... 1791 elverno
2 Thalers commemorating the opening of the Vienna - Trieste railway. This particular coin is a... 1857 Ian
1984 sslamet
1963 sslamet
1963 sslamet
1907 sslamet
The rim has nice scalloping work, and I really like the eagle. 6 Kruezer I think these are called. 1800 Vfox