Region: Europe

Country: Austria Coins

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25 Schilling, University Of Innsbruck 1970 daggit
1 Florin 1886 daggit
1 Florin 1879 daggit
1 Florin 1878 daggit
1 Florin 1883 daggit
1/4 1858 A 1 Florin,Rotated Die 1858 daggit
7 Kreutzer Overstruck on 1795 12 Kreutzer, Kremnitz mint.... 1802 elverno
1 Krone 1916 daggit
1 Krone 1915 daggit
1 Krone 1913 daggit
1 Krone 1903 daggit
10 Kreuzer 1872 daggit
10 Groschen 1973 daggit
5 Groschen 1957 daggit
1 Krone 1893 daggit
20 Kreuzer 1840 daggit
Rudolph I proof 100 schillings. The key coin in the series. 1991 Ian
Mozart / Burgtheater proof 100 schillings. 1991 Ian
Maximilian I proof 100 schillings. Second key date for the series (and the best in my opinion). 1992 Ian
25 Euro coin commemorating the 700th Anniversary of Hall in Tyrol. Coin is silver outer and... 2003 Ian