Region: Europe

Country: Austria Coins

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20 Kreuzer. Kremnitz mint. Adjustment marks on the reverse.... 1809 elverno
20 Kreuzer. Prague mint.... 1809 elverno
Austria, 1 corona, 1908, 60th anniversary of reign, emperor Franz Joseph I.... 1908 vajaho
Austria, 2 groschen, 1926, Bronze.... 1926 vajaho
Austria, 5 schilling, 1952, Al.... 1952 vajaho
Austria, 4 kreuzer, 1864, Cu, MM: B.... 1864 vajaho
Austria, 20 heller, 1916, Fe, WWI issue.... 1916 vajaho
Austria, 1 kreuzer, 1885, Cu.... 1885 vajaho
Austria, 1 kreuzer, 1859, Cu, MM: E.... 1859 vajaho
Austria, 1 schilling, 1947, Al.... 1947 vajaho
Austria, 100 krone, 1924, Bronze, Eagle.... 1924 vajaho
Austria, 10 kreuzer, 1872, Ag, Emperor Franz Joseph I.... 1872 vajaho
Austria, 1000 krone, 1924, Cu-Ni.... 1924 vajaho
Austria, 3 kreuzer, 1851, Cu, MM: G.... 1851 vajaho
Austria, 3 kreuzer, 1812, Cu, MM: G, Emperor Franz I.... 1812 vajaho
20 Kreuzer. Kremnitz mint.... 1805 elverno
Austria, 50 groschen, 1947, Al.... 1947 vajaho
Austria, 5 groschen, 1931, Cu-Ni.... 1931 vajaho
Austria, 2 groschen, 1954, Al.... 1954 vajaho
Austria, 20 heller, 1918, Fe, WWI issue.... 1918 vajaho