Region: Europe

Country: Austria Coins

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1 schiling Austria 1977 1977 butelier
Austria, 200 schilling 1995. 100th Anniversary - Olympic games (1896-1996). 1995 Dok
Austria, 500 schilling 1981. 800th Anniversary - Verdun Altar. 1981 Dok
Austria, 500 schilling 1981. 100th Anniversary - Birth of Otto Bauer. 1981 Dok
Austria, 500 schilling 1981. 200th Anniversary - Religious Tolerance. 1981 Dok
Austria, 500 schilling 1982. 500th Anniversary - Austrian Printing. 1982 Dok
Austria, 5 euro 2002. 250th Anniversary - Schonbrunn Zoo. 2002 Dok
Austria, 2 euro 2002. Bertha von Suttner. 2002 Dok
Austria, 1 euro 2002. Wolfgang Mozart. 2002 Dok
Austria, 50 euro cents 2002. 2002 Dok
Austria, 20 euro cents 2002. 2002 Dok
Austria, 10 euro cents 2002. 2002 Dok
Austria, 5 euro cents 2002. 2002 Dok
Austria, 2 euro cents 2002. 2002 Dok
Austria, 1 euro cent 2002. 2002 Dok
Austria, 100 schilling 1979. Vienna International Center. 1979 Dok
Austria, 100 schilling 1979. 200th Anniversary - Inn District. 1979 Dok
Austria, 100 schilling 1979. 700th Anniversary - Cathedral of Wiener Neustadt. 1979 Dok
Austria, 100 schilling 1978. Opening of Arlberg Tunnel. 1978 Dok
Austria, 100 schilling 1978. 1100th Anniversary - Founding of Villach. 1978 Dok