Region: Europe

Country: Austria Coins

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Austria, 50 schilling 1967. Johann Strauss. 100th Anniversary of the Blue Danube Waltz. 1967 Dok
Austria, 50 schilling 1966. 150th Anniversary - National Bank. 1966 Dok
Austria, 50 schilling 1965. Archduke Rudolph IV. 600th Anniversary - Vienna University. 1965 Dok
Austria, 50 schilling 1964. IX Winter Olympic Games - Innsbruck 1964. 1964 Dok
Austria, 50 schilling 1963. 600th Anniversary - Union with Tyrol. 1963 Dok
Austria, 50 schilling 1959. Andreas Hofer. 150th Anniversary - Liberation of Tyrol. 1959 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1973. 100th Anniversary - Birth of Max Reinhardt. 1973 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1972. 50th Anniversary - Death of Carl M. Ziehrer. 1972 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1971. 200th Anniversary - Vienna Bourse. 1971 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1970. 100th Anniversary - Birth of Franz Lehar. 1970 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1969. Peter Rosegger. 1969 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1968. 300th Anniversary - Birth of Lukas von Hildebrandt. 1968 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1967. 250th Anniversary - Birth of Maria Theresa. 1967 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1966. 130th Anniversary - Death of Ferdinand Raimund. 1966 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1965. 150th Anniversary - Vienna Technical High School. 1965 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1964. Franz Grillparzer. 1964 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1963. 300th Anniversary - Birth of Prince Eugen. 1963 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1962. Anton Bruckner. 1962 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1961. 40th Anniversary - Burgenland. 1961 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1960. 40th Anniversary - Carinthian Plebescite. 1960 Dok