Region: Europe

Country: Austria Coins

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Austria, 25 schilling 1959. 100th Anniversary - Death of Archduke Johann. 1959 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1958. 100th Anniversary - Birth of Carl Auer von Welsbach. 1958 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1957. 8th Centennial - Mariazell Basilica. 1957 Dok
Austria, 25 schilling 1956. 200th Anniversary - Birth of Wolfgang Mozart. 1956 Dok
Austria, 20 schilling 2001. 200th Anniversary - Birth of Johann Nepomuk Nestroy. 2001 Dok
Austria, 20 schilling 1995. 1000th Anniversary - Krems. 1995 Dok
Austria, 20 schilling 1994. 800th Anniversary - Vienna Mint. 1994 Dok
Austria, 20 schilling 1991. Crowned Eagle - Tirol. 1991 Dok
Austria, 20 schilling 1986. 800th Anniversary - Georgenberger Treaty. 1986 Dok
Austria, 20 schilling 1985. 200th Anniversary - Diocese of Linz. 1985 Dok
Austria, 20 schilling 1984. Grafenegg Palace. 1984 Dok
Austria, 20 schilling 1993. Hochosterwitz Castle. 1993 Dok
Austria, 20 schilling 1982. 250th Anniversary - Birth of Joseph Haydn. 1982 Dok
Austria, 20 schilling 1991. 1991 Dok
Austria, 10 schilling 1974. 1974 Dok
Austria, 5 schilling 1988. 1988 Dok
Austria, 10 schilling 1969. 1969 Dok
Austria, 5 schilling 1962. 1962 Dok
Austria, 5 groschen 1988. 1988 Dok
Austria, 1 schilling 1979. 1979 Dok