Region: Europe

Country: Austria Coins

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Maria Theresa Thaler Restrike 1780 boraxbunny
another 10 Kreuzer in even worse state than the one before, including hole. 1632 Ian
10 kreuzer in a bad state, including hole. 1630 Ian
1621 silver 60 kreuzer 1621 Ian
Thaler 1664 regandon
Thaler 1615 regandon
Denominacion: 2 Euros. 2005 DrSanchez
Archbishopric of Salzburg 1 kreutzer Hieronymus von Colloredo copper 1794 bart
Archbishopric of Salzburg 1 kreutzer Hieronymus von Colloredo copper 1783 bart
Emperor Frederick III (1452 to 1493). Pfennig Circa 1462. W for Wien (Vienna), H for... 1462 constanius
Matthaus von Lang Wellenburg (1519-1540). Statesman and Archbishop of Salzburg - 2 Pfennig 1537,... 1537 constanius
20 kreuzer. (Zwanziger). On the reverse motto in Latin: *VIRTUTE ET EXEMPLO*. Ioseph II... 1771 podzemnik
20 kreuzer. (Zwanziger). Austrian Tyrol. Maria Theresia (1745-1780) Empress of Holy Roman... 1778 podzemnik
1909 podzemnik
100 kronen. Austrian Republica. Pre-reform - kronens - coinage. Br. 1924 podzemnik
5 groschen. Austrian Republica. After the reform coinage. Cu-Ni. 1932 podzemnik
10 groschen. Austrian Republica. After the reform coinage. Cu-Ni. 1925 podzemnik
1 kreuzer. Austrian County Montfort. Anton III (1693-1734), the Younger. County Montfort... 1721 podzemnik
5 Euros Mariazell Basilica 'Basilica of the Birth of the Virgin Mary' Facade of the basilica... 2007 De-Orc
2002 Austria 5e 250th Anniversery of the Schonbrunn Zoo Vienna the Emperor's Pavilion at the... 2002 De-Orc