Region: Europe

Country: Austria Coins

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Austria 1980 1 shilling. Special thanks to RickieB! 1980 gxseries
50 Groschen 1963 rogers
10 Groschen km#2878 1986 rogers
2 Heller 1907 rogers
2 Heller km#2801 1899 rogers
2 Groschen km#2837 1925 rogers
1 Schilling km#2886 1963 rogers
5 Euros Voting reform 100 Years Universal Male Suffrage portraits of the Emperor Franz Joseph... 2007 De-Orc
5e EU Presidency the Vienna Hofburg Imperial Palace in the "Josefsplatz" square. The equestrian... 2006 De-Orc
5 Euros Mozart Portrait of Mozart with the Salzburg Cathedral in the background Coat of arms... 2006 De-Orc
5 Euros EU Enlargment A map of Europe with the Eurozone countries clearly distinguished and a... 2004 De-Orc
5 Euros Water power Alpine Dam, Hydroelectric, Drop of water with a fish enclosed in it. Coat... 2003 De-Orc
KM-2217, 1858 Austria Vienna (A) mint florin; it is nice extra fine coin but unfortunately... 1858 sandy3075
KM-2142, 1814 Austria Wienna (A) mint 20 kreuzer in silver; nice possibly extra fine coin with... 1814 sandy3075
KM-2140, 1806 Austria B Kremnitz mint 20 kreuzer; rather worn, probably very good early XIX... 1806 sandy3075
5 Euros Skiing Snow crystal with a downhill skier Coat of arms of the 9 fedral provinces, value 2005 De-Orc
Austria 5e Europa Hymne the old Theater am Kärntnertor were Beethoven's 9th symphony with the... 2005 De-Orc
1956 25 schilling - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1956 ben_al
1809 podzemnik
1 greschl. Austrian Bohemia. Maria Theresia (1740-1780) the Queen of Bohemia. Cu. 1764 podzemnik