Region: Europe

Country: Austria Coins

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1 Heller bronze 1901 echizento
Veiled bust Marie Theresia thaler minted at Gunzburg mint, Burgau. An early example of the world... 1780 Ian
Joseph II thaler minted at Vienna. 1767 Ian
Mature bust of Marie Theresia thaler minted at Gunzburg in Burgau. G in cartouche below eagle.... 1765 Ian
Another young bust thaler of Marie Theresia from Hall mint. Different type. Stops after Dux and Reg 1764 Ian
A young bust of Marie Theresia from Hall mint. Note star after reg instead of stop. 1754 Ian
Nice Thaler of Archduke Ferdinand (no date) minted using roller dies at Hall mint, Tyrol sometime... 1564 Ian
6 Kreuzer, Further Austria.... 1805 elverno
Graz mint 3 kreuzer. Leopold (aka The Hogmouth). 1698 Ian
Breslau mint 3 kreuzer. Leopold (aka The Hogmouth). 1695 Ian
Vienna mint 3 kreuzer. Leopold (aka The Hogmouth). 1694 Ian
1791 20 Kreuzer, Austria. Leopold II and the Kremnitz mint.... 1791 elverno
20 Kreuzer, Austria. Prague mint.... 1806 elverno
2 Heller 1896 echizento
2Heller 1896 echizento
1 Kreuzer 1885 echizento
1 Kreuzer 1881 echizento
Resent restrike of the famous Maria Theresa Thaler BU 1780 echizento
Austria, 10 Heller 1893 echizento
1 Krone 1914 echizento