Region: Europe

Country: Austria Coins

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20 Kreuzer C mint mark KM#2141 1806 echizento
Austria Netherlands 1/2 Kronenthaler A mint mark. km#61.1 1796 echizento
Maria Theresa trade Thaler, Milan mint @1815-1828 1780 echizento
2 cor 1912 echizento
5 cor. 1909 echizento
1 florint, A mint mark 1861 echizento
1900 echizento
Austria/Netherlands 1/2 Ducaton Antwerp mint 1750 echizento
Thaler 1818-V Venice mint 0.8330 silver 1818 echizento
10 1985 Jase
10 1978 Jase
Austria 1894 2 heller. 1894 gxseries
Austrian commemorative gold 1,000 schillings featuring Maria Theresia. 1993 LawrenceChard
Austrian gold 1,000 schilllings to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the second republic. 1995 LawrenceChard
1859? Klement Wenceslas Lothar Johann Nepomuk, the second Prince of Metternich - Winneburg, was... 1859 Mark_Stilson
10 Corona... 1912 elverno
1880 Austria Florin UNC 1880 ed
For some reason, we seem never to have uploaded photographs of the Austrian Philharmonikers. Here... 2006 LawrenceChard
Florin 1879 Mark_Stilson
1976 100 Schilling KM #2930 .640 silver (.4924 oz) 1976 syzygy