Region: Africa

Country: Egypt Coins

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1 MILLIEME bronze 1938 echizento
5 MILLIEMES alum-bronze 1954 echizento
10 PRA copper 1852 echizento
10 PIASTRES MOHAMAD ALI MOSQUE brass 1992 echizento
5 PIASTRES alum-bronze 1984 echizento
Aswan Dam Commemorative 1968 Mark_Stilson
very very rare old coin 920 medhat
Egypt, 5 millimes, 1938, Cu-Ni, King Farouk I.... 1938 vajaho
1974 egypt pound km481 1974 Mark_Stilson
Egypt, 5/10 qirsh, 1913, Cu-Ni, Muhammad V (1909-1914), AH1327+4.... 1913 vajaho
Egypt 5 milliemes 1917-H 1917 pet
1967 totoro_es
1984 totoro_es
1984 totoro_es
1973 totoro_es
50 Piastries. 0 drspp
Egypt 2 piastres 1929-BP, Fuad I 1929 pet
Radiate bust of Nero to left (obv) with bust of Apollo of Actium to right (rev.) billon... 67 Ian
Nero (obv) with bust of Serapis to right (rev.) billon tetradrachm weighing in at 13.5 gms,... 64 Ian
Nero (obv) with Eirene standing (rev.) billon tetradrachm weighing in at 13.65 gms, minted at... 58 Ian