Region: Africa

Country: Egypt Coins

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1922-1972 Egypt 50th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun Medal strunk by... 1972 WWKT
Head of Cleopatra 2008 Wissab
50 piastres, Suez canal 2015 Wissab
1 pound 2010 Wissab
Egypt50piastres Cleopatra(AH1428) km942.2 2007 2007 Vichaisun
Egypt 5milliemes (AH1377) 1958 1958 Vichaisun
Egypt 5piastres (AH1392) 1972 1972 Vichaisun
Egypt 5milliemes (AH1395) int.women year 1975 1975 Vichaisun
Egypt 5piastres (AH1404) 1984 1984 Vichaisun
Egypt 10milliemes (AH1377) 1958 1958 Vichaisun
Egypt 10milliemes (AH1393) 1973 1973 Vichaisun
Egypt 10milliemes (AH1395) FAO. 1975 1975 Vichaisun
Egypt 10milliemes (AH1396) FAO. 1976 1976 Vichaisun
Egypt 10milliemes (AH1400) FAO.1980 1980 Vichaisun
Egypt 10piastres (AH1400) FAO.1980 1980 Vichaisun
Egypt 10piastres (AH1413) 1992 1992 Vichaisun
Egypt5Piastres-ChrisDateLefe-km555.1-(AH1404)1984 1984 Vichaisun
Egypt5Piastres-Child'sYear-km484-(AH1399)1979 1979 Vichaisun
Egypt5Piastres-CairoTradefair-km451-(AH1396)1976 1976 Vichaisun
Egypt5Piastres-CairoStateFair-km436-(AH1393)1973 1973 Vichaisun
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