Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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1942 D 1 pfennig, hard to tell wether this is damage, wear or minting error 1942 ScottO
1943 A 1 pfennig, a nice colour to this 1943 ScottO
1941 A 10 pfennig 1941 ScottO
1943 D 10 pfennig, some damage unknown origins of that 1943 ScottO
1741 1 Heller from Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld 1741 ScottO
1940 5 pfennig, stuttgart mint 1940 ScottO
1942 1 pfennig, Berlin mint 1942 ScottO
1943 10 pfennig Munich mint 1943 ScottO
1944 10 Pfennig, Vienna mint 1944 ScottO
Germany 50 Pfennig 1921G 1921 Akdeveli
Germany 1 Mark 1924F 1924 Akdeveli
Germany 5 Reichspfenning 1940 1940 velvetsand
1940 J 1 pfennig EF 1940 ScottO
Germany, 2 euros, 2012, Cu-Ni-Ni-Brass, bi-metallic, 25.75mm, 8.5g, 10 years of euro: 2002-2012. 2012 vajaho
EF 1940 F 5 reichpfennig 1940 ScottO
1876 D with large 6 5 pfennig 1876 ScottO
1934 D 1 Reichmark aEF 1934 ScottO
1918 Munster 25 pfennig griegsgeld 1918 ScottO
porcelain Notsgeld from sachan 1921 ScottO
Wied-Neuwied, County, since 1784 Principality. Johann Friedrich Alexander (1737-1791AD). Silver... 1752 HKMAL