Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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Germany 5 Mark 1974-F Proof 1974 Chris86
Germany Third Reich 5 Pfennig 1941-B 1941 Chris86
Germany Third Reich 2 Mark 1939-A 1939 Chris86
Weimar Republic 5 Reichspfennig 1925-A 1925 Chris86
Prussia 1 Silbergroschen 1865-A 1865 Chris86
Germany-Nazi 10 Reichspfennig 1941D 1941 Akdeveli
Germany-Nazi 5 Reichsmark 1938F 1938 Akdeveli
1/24 Thaler (Groschen). Brandenburg-Prussia. Georg Wilhelm (1619-1640). *IP* - Berlin mint,... 1625 podzemnik2
Solid (Schilling). Brandenburg-Prussia. Georg Wilhelm (1619-1640). Billon. 1627 podzemnik2
Solid. Brandenburg-Prussia. Friedrich III (1688-1701). *SD* - Königsberg mint, mintmaster... 1695 podzemnik2
Solid. Kingdom of Prussia. Friedrich I (1701-1713). *CG* - Königsberg mint, mintmaster Caspar... 1701 podzemnik2
6 groschen (Szostake). East Prussia. Friedrich II (1740-1786), Der Grosse. *E* - Königsberg... 1774 podzemnik2
Solid. East Prussia. Friedrich II (1740-1786), Der Grosse. *E* - Königsberg mint. Billon. 1775 podzemnik2
3 groschen. East Prussia. Frierich Wilhelm III (1797-1840), von Preussen. *A* - Berlin mint.... 1805 podzemnik2
4 pfenninge. Kingdom of Prussia. Friedrich Wilhelm III (1797-1840). *D* - Aurich mint. Cu. 1825 podzemnik2
German Brandenburg-Prussia Medal by Schwenzer. Bronze 59.5MM Obv: William I with the orb and... 1877 WWKT
Germany - German Democratic Republic GDR - 1 Pfennig - 1953 - Weight 0,75 gr - Aluminium - Size... 1953 Count999
Saxony - 1 Taler 1791 PER-ASPERA-AD-ASTRA
1/24 Thaler (Groschen). Free Imperial City Lüneburg. Ag (Bilon). 1619 podzemnik2
2 kreuzer (Halbbatzen). Friedberg-Reichsburg. Johann Eberhard (1577-1617), von Cronenberg.... 1591 podzemnik2