Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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Baden 1859 1 Kreuzer 1859 ben_al
Baden 1847 1 Kreuzer 1847 ben_al
1854 podzemnik
1859 podzemnik
1 Reichsthaler. Kingdom of Prussia. Friedrich II (1740-1786), The Great. 'A'- Berlin mint.... 1750 podzemnik
Ausbeutethaler (1 Thaler, Mining Thaler). Kingdom of Prussia. King Friedrich Wilhelm III... 1832 podzemnik
32 schilling (2/3 Thaler, Gulden). Free City Lubeck. 'JJJ'- Johann Justus Jaster 1727-58.... 1752 podzemnik
1/6 Thaler. Duchy of Saxony. Duke Friedrich August III (1763-1806). 'IEC'- Johann Ernst Croll,... 1804 podzemnik
1/6 Thaler. Kingdom of Saxony. King Friedrich August I (1806-1836). 'SGH'- Samuel Gottlieb... 1808 podzemnik
1/3 Thaler. Duchy of Saxony. Duke Friedrich August III (1763-1806). 'I.E.C'- Johann Ernst... 1782 podzemnik
1761 podzemnik
1 Thaler (Madonnenthaler, Madonetta). Duchy of Bavaria. Duke Maximilian III Ioseph (1745-1777).... 1756 podzemnik
Schwertthaler (Kronthaler). Kingdom of Bavaria. King Maximilian I Ioseph (1806-1825). Edge... 1810 podzemnik
1687 podzemnik
1739 podzemnik
1759 podzemnik
1/4 kreuzer. Pfalz-Sulzbach. Karl Theodor (1742-1799). Cu. 1786 podzemnik
6 kreuzer. Duchy of Baden. Duke Leopold I (1830-1852). Mintage 862,000 units. Ag375f.... 1831 podzemnik
2 Reichsmark. Third Reich. 450 th Anniversary Birth of Martin Luther. 'A' - Berlin mint.... 1933 podzemnik
2 Pfennig -German States Brandenburg-Bayreuth - KM#207 Billon Obv: Crowned eagle Rev: Value and... 1751 Tomux