Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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GERMANY (THIRD REICH)~2 Reichsmark 1937 F. Mint: Stuttgart. 1937 Zantetsuken
1759 podzemnik
1763 podzemnik
Duchy of Nassau 1 kreuzer copper 1838 bart
Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen 1 pfennig copper 1862 bart
Schwarzburg Sondershausen 3 pfennige copper 1846 bart
Westphalia 2 centimes, king Hiëronymus Napoleon 1810 bart
1921 podzemnik
Hesse Cassel 1 albus crowned CL monogram for Carl Landgraf silver (identification thanks to... 1720 bart
20 Euro Cents 2006 boraxbunny
2 Cent Westphalia 1812 boraxbunny
Copper Courte Charles V 1543 boraxbunny
1622 Frankfurt taler 1622 Ian
2 pfennige. Kingdom of Hannover. King Ernst August (1837-1851). 'A'- Clausthal mint. Cu. 1846 podzemnik
50 NOTGELD-pfennige - KLEINGELDERSATZMARKE. Stadt Weida. Zn. 1918 podzemnik
10 Franken Saarland 1954 boraxbunny
1 Reichsmark A 1937 boraxbunny
East Germany 2 Mark 1982 boraxbunny
200 Mark G 1923 boraxbunny
1 Mark 1903 boraxbunny