Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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10 PFENNIG. 1949 all4sale
10 PFENNIG 1966 all4sale
1682 podzemnik
1911 podzemnik
50 kriegsnotgeld. City Fuerth in Bavaria notgeld. Fe. 1917 podzemnik
10 kriegsmunze. Deggendorf notgeld. Zn-Al. 1917 podzemnik
10 kleingeld-ersatzmarke. Hof city notgeld. Zn-Al. 1918 podzemnik
5 Pfennig - damaged - looks like it was gorged on one side 1876 Rhonda
1 kreuzer. Sachsen-Meiningen. Cu. 1854 podzemnik
German Federal Republic km105 1 Pfennig (1950+) 1972 gm99
1969 East Germany 5 Mark 1969 ben_al
1985 5 Mark - European year of Music 1985 ben_al
2 kreuzer (1/2 batzen, Achtpfenniger). Duche of Bavaria. Pfalz-Simmern. Richard (1569-1598).... 1567 podzemnik
6 groschen (Szostake). Duchy of Prussia. Friedrih Willhelm. Ag250f. 3,2gr. 1674 podzemnik
3 kreuzer (Land Grosch). Duche of Bavaria (Land coin). Carl Albreht IV. Ag375f. 1,41gr. 1736 podzemnik
1731 podzemnik
1843 podzemnik
Halberbatzen (2 kreuzer, folkname - Achtpfenniger). Free Imperial City Strasbourg. Joann von... 1577 podzemnik
10 pfennig notgeld. Luden-Scheid. Fe. 1918 podzemnik
200000 Mark notgeld. Hamburg. Al. 1923 podzemnik