Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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10 mark Kolping Werk 1996 bart
1995 bart
1995 bart
10 mark reconstruction Frauenkirche Dresden 1995 bart
10 mark German Resistance 1933-1945 1994 bart
10 mark Johann Gottfried Herder 1994 bart
10 mark Millenium of Potsdam 1993 bart
10 mark Robert Koch 1993 bart
10 mark Orden Pour le Merite: Order for Sciences and arts 1992 bart
10 mark Kathe Kollwitz 1992 bart
10 mark Brandenburger Gate Symbol of german Unity 1991 bart
10 mark 800 years German Order 1990 bart
10 mark Emperor Friedrich I Barbarossa 1990 bart
10 mark 40th anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany 1989 bart
10 mark 2000 year Bonn 1989 bart
10 mark 800 year Hamburg 1989 bart
10 mark Carl Zeiss 1988 bart
10 mark Arthur Schopenhauer 1988 bart
10 mark 30 years Treaty of Rome 1987 bart
10 mark 750 years Berlin 1987 bart