Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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1/3 Thaler, Prussia... 1801 elverno
German State, Prussia A mint mark. Vereinsthaler 1860 echizento
German State, Prussia A mint mark. Mansfelder mining Thaler. with old loop attached 1847 echizento
German Empire, Prussia 5 marks A mint mark 1902 echizento
German Empire D mint mark 1903 echizento
Hans Schultes Jetton Circa 1600 1600 Peter
German Empire, Saxony 3 marks E mint mark 1909 echizento
Prussia Sieges Thaler. Victory over France 1871 echizento
German State, Prussia Thaler D mint mark 1819 echizento
German Empire, Prussia 5 marks small A mint mark 1904 echizento
German Empire, Prussia B mint mark 1876 echizento
German Empire, Prussia, A mint mark. 1876 echizento
German state, Prussia A mint mark. 1824 echizento
German Empire, Baden G mint mark. 1876 echizento
3 Marks A mint mrk 1910 echizento
German Empire, Bavaria Five Marks D 1876 echizento
German empire, Hamburg 5 marks J 0.900 silver 1876 echizento
German States, Bavaria, Thaler. I have not seen this inscription before, usually it is DG MAX... 1767 echizento
1 Kreüzer, Nurnberg... 1797 elverno
2 1977 Jase