Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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1913 A Prussia 3 mark XF 1913 ed
1912 F Wurtemberg 3mark XF 1912 ed
Free State of Lubeck 5 Mark, mintage 10,000. This is my only example from this particular state,... 1907 ed
Silver 3 RM Graf Zeppelin Commemorative. This one is no longer mine. It now belongs to a... 1930 ed
1 Pfennig, Saxony.... 1805 elverno
1/48 Thaler, Saxony. Remains of an old lacquer job from the looks of it.... 1811 elverno
½ Kreuzer, Prussian Silesia.... 1797 elverno
1/48 Thaler, Saxony... 1813 elverno
1 Heller, Hesse-Cassel... 1806 elverno
6 Pfennig, Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. The principality was only 940 square miles in size, or a... 1812 elverno
Notgeld 50 pfennig from Elberfeld. 1917 Ian
Notgeld 20 pfennig from Schwarzburg Sondershausen 1917 Ian
1/48 Thaler, Saxony.... 1812 elverno
1 Pfenning, Bavaria... 1796 elverno
50 Pfennig 1950 Aurum
10 Pfennig 1980 Aurum
10 Pfennig 1952 Aurum
5 Pfennig 1949 Aurum
1 Pfennig 1961 Aurum
6 Pfennig, Schwarzburg—Rudolstadt.... 1792 elverno