Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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This is a coin from German Empire. 1913 Mortyr2012
This is a coin from German Empire. 1913 Mortyr2012
Germany 1912 1 mark. aUNC grade. SOLD! $2.50 1912 gxclone
Brunswick Luneburg `Wildman' taler of 1652. Dark toned 1652 Ian
2 reichsmark Diameter: 25 mm, 8g Ag 0.625 Mintage 26.855.000 coins. Swastika-Hindenburg issue 1939 Korona
German States, Mainz 1794 1/4 Kreuzer 1795 jlueke
10 Pfennig 1900 daggit
1/3 Thaler.... 1802 elverno
2006-D Germany 2 Euro 2006 Tiffibunny
1 Pfenning, Rostock. All Rostock pfennings seem to have been different from year to year.... 1802 elverno
Hamburg Taler of 48 schillings 1764 OHK (Mint Master = Otto Heinrich Knorre 1761-1805) 1764 Ian
50 pfennig 1921 syzygy
2 Reichsmark 1938 Mark_Stilson
East Germany, 10 Pfennig, Aluminum 1952 bill
2006 Germany 10 Euro Karl Friedrich Schinkel 2006 Tiffibunny
1 Pfennig, Rostock.... 1798 elverno
Sieges Thaler, mirrored fields PL 1871 Oli
1 Pfennig, Schaumburg-Hessen.... 1797 elverno
3 mark -Prussia. 100 years since the defeat of Napolean. 1913 Sir_Sisu
1788 Germany 10K 1788 Tiffibunny