Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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2 Centimes, Westphalia.... 1812 elverno
6 Kreuzer, Bavaria.... 1812 elverno
3 Pfenninge, Swedish Pomerania. A two year type with rare variants associated with the 1806... 1806 elverno
1 Kreuzer, Hesse-Darmstadt. The lion on the obverse is difficult to make out but can be seen.... 1800 elverno
Prussia 3 mark. Berlin University centennial. 1910 Sir_Sisu
1/12 Taler, Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel.... 1793 elverno
1 Pfennig, Brunswick-Luneburg.... 1793 elverno
1 Schilling, Mecklenburg-Schwerin.... 1793 elverno
1 Grossus, Prussia.... 1797 elverno
1 Shilling, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. This duchy became a grand-duchy as a result of the Congress... 1797 elverno
½ Kreutzer, City of Mainz.... 1795 elverno
1/12 Thaler, Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel.... 1795 elverno
1 Pfennig, Brunswick-Luneburg.... 1795 elverno
Germany - Barvaria 1910D 3 Mark 1910 ccg
20 Centimes, Westphalia.... 1810 elverno
1 Centime, Westphalia.... 1812 elverno
20 Centimes, Westphalia.... 1812 elverno
10 Centimes, Westphalia. This is actually fairly tough to find.... 1812 elverno
1 Kreuzer, Wurttemberg. A 15mm billon coin struck on a badly clipped planchet.... 1812 elverno
1/48 Thaler, Saxony. Also known as a ½ groschen.... 1812 elverno