Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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4 pfennige. Brandenburg-Prussia. Friedrich I (1701-1713). *HFH* - mintmaster Henrich Friedrich... 1705 podzemnik2
1/48 Thaler. Kingdom of Prussia. Friedrich Wilgelm (1713-1740), Der *EGN* - mintmaster Ernst... 1731 podzemnik2
Solid. Kingdom of Prussia. Friedrich Wilhelm (1713-1740), Der Soldatenkönig. *CS* -... 1736 podzemnik2
18 groscher (Tymf). Kingdom of Prussia. Friedrich (1740-1786) Der Grosse. *E* - Königsberg... 1753 podzemnik2
6 gröscher (Szostake). Kingdom of Prussia. Friedrich (1740-1786), Der Grosse. *E* -... 1757 podzemnik2
State of Brandenburg-Preussen 1/12 Thaler dramtic double strike 0 mawett
1930 Brasilite
6 marien groschen (1/6 Thaler). Free City Hildesheim. Ag. 1689 podzemnik2
Gulden (2/3 Thaler). Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Celle. Georg Wilhelm (1665-1705). *JJ J* -... 1692 podzemnik2
1/4 Thaler. Hessen-Kassel. Friedrich II (1760-1785). Mintmaster Friedrich Ulrich, work in... 1771 podzemnik2
1/6 Thaler. Kingdom of Saxony. Friedrich August II (1836-1854), von Sachsen. Mintage 228,000... 1851 podzemnik2
1/3 Thaler. Kingdon of Saxony. Iohann (1854-1873), von Saschsen. Mintage 308,000 units.... 1856 podzemnik2
Vereinsthaler. Kingdom of Saxony. Iohann (1854-1873), von Sachsen. Edge lettering: * GOTT... 1860 podzemnik2
Vereinsthaler. Kingdom of Hannover. Georg V (1851-1866). Edge lettering: *NEC ASPERA TERRENT*.... 1866 podzemnik2
Vereinsthaler. Kingdom of Württemberg. Karl (1864-1891). Edge lettering: *MÜNZVERTRAG VOM 24... 1867 podzemnik2
Germany-Weimar 200 Mark 1923A 1923 HurremSultan
1803 German Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm III (1797-1840) Union of Hildesheim & Goslar with Prussia... 1803 WWKT
German Federal Republic (West Germany) 10 mark. 1992 (D) 150th Anniversary of Order... 1992 henry12
German Federal Republic (West Germany) 10 mark. 1995 (F) Henry the Lion. Ag 650. 1995 henry12
German Democratic Republic (East Germany) 5 mark 1987, 750th Anniversary of Berlin - Rotes Rathaus. 1987 henry12