Region: Europe

Country: Germany Coins

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1 Mark. German Empire. *A* - Berlin mint. Mintage 30,340,000 units. Ag900f. 5,55gr. 1875 podzemnik2
2 Mark. German Empire. Prussia. 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig.... 1913 podzemnik2
2 Mark. German Empire. Prussia. Wilhelm II (1888-1918). 25 years of rule. *A* - Berlin mint.... 1913 podzemnik2
German Empire 10 pfennig. 1876 (A) 1876 henry12
Germany-Nazi 50 Reichspfennig 1939D 1939 Akdeveli
5 Reichs Mark. The Third Reich. *F* - Stuttgard mint. Mintage 1,587,000 units. Ag900f.... 1937 podzemnik2
Weimar Republic | 1 Reichspfennig, 1934 A | 17.5 mm, 2 gr. | Bronze | Obverse:... 1934 Ngdawa
1938 Berlin 10 pfennig 1938 ScottO
2 euro coin in the series of German regions. This coin represents Baden-Württemberg 2013 bart
German 2 euro coin commemorating the Treaty of the Elysee. 2013 bart
PlasticToken - Mendelssohn ProCent 0 HurremSultan
PlasticToken - Bilora 0 HurremSultan
PlasticToken - Auchan 0 HurremSultan
Germany-Nazi 1 Reichsmark 1937A 1937 Akdeveli
Germany-Empire 50 Pfennig 1876A 1876 Akdeveli
Germany-BRD 50 Pfennig 1950F 1950 HurremSultan
Germany-BRD 10 Pfennig 1950G 1950 HurremSultan
Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) Ludwig van Bethoven (1770-1827) 1970 henry12
Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) 5 mark. 1974, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) Ag 625. 1974 henry12
Germany (Third Reich) 1 pfennig 1941, Mintmark "A" - Berlin 1941 henry12