Region: Europe

Country: Italy Coins

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2 Soldi, Subalpine Republic The last of five of these that I own. I really need to stop buying... 1801 elverno
1801 2 Lire, Venice. Under Austrian occupation. Overstruck on an older coin but that coin I've... 1801 elverno
Nerva denarius circa 96 ad. Concordia Exercituum reverse 96 Ian
2 Euro cents 2002 ben_al
1921 10 centesimi KM #60 1921 syzygy
Roman Diocletian, (284-305)coppercoin, double strike obverse 0 mawett
aEF 20 centesimi, overstuck on an 1894/5 20 centesimi which is normal but a bit rarer with this... 1918 ScottO
10 lire 1955 Italy 1955 butelier
1 lira 1909 Italy, 1909 banivechi
1861 5 centesimi, fairly nice, almost fine, still plenty of detail but showing wear on hair 1861 ScottO
bronze from the Greek City State of Akragas, Sicilly. Obverse bust of Apollo. reverse two eagles. -350 Ian
REPVBBLICA ITALIANA 1957-R 100 LIRA 1957 echizento
1 Lira Eagle on fasces, Savoy Coat of arms below Victor Emanuele III Non magnetic Modellist:... 1940 De-Orc
Italian States - Naples & Sicily, Ferdinand II (1830 - 1859), 120 Grana, 1834. 27.4g, 0.8330... 1834 HKMAL
500 lire. 1999, Elections of the European Parliament. Bimetal, Weight; 6,89g. Diameter; 25,8mm.... 1999 henry12
500 Lire, 0.8350 silver, raised edge lettering holds year 1966 trantor_3
1 Soldo, Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy. Milan mint. Prior to the reverse die break.... 1811 elverno
2 Euro 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Man & woman with olive... 2008 De-Orc
silver litra from the ancient Sikel town of Abacaenum (Abakainon) sited eight miles from the... -450 Ian
1932 Italy 10 Centisimi 1932 Tiffibunny
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