Region: Europe

Country: Netherlands Coins

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5 guldens. 1988 henry12
2 1/2 gulden. Union of Utrecht 1979 henry12
2 1/2 gulden. Investure of Queen Beatrix, 30 april 1980 1980 henry12
2 1/2 gulden. 1972 henry12
1 gulden. 1983 henry12
1 gulden. Investure of Queen Beatrix, 30 april 1980 1980 henry12
1 gulden. 1980 henry12
25 cents. 1977 henry12
25 cents. 1976 henry12
25 cents. 1972 henry12
10 cents. 2000 henry12
10 cents. 1975 henry12
10 cents. 1967 henry12
10 cents. 1965 henry12
10 cents. 1959 henry12
5 cents. 1993 henry12
5 cents. 1984 henry12
5 cents. 1987 henry12
5 cents. 1976 henry12
5 cents. 1973 henry12