Region: Asia

Country: Singapore Coins

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EF 10 cents, gorgous coin. 1976 ScottO
1 dollar. 1988 henry12
50 cents. 1990 henry12
50 Cents 1997 boraxbunny
50 Cents 1980 boraxbunny
a very nice singapore 20 cents, AUNC condition 1997 ScottO
1989 Konie
Proof Set 1974 Mintage = 1500 1974 Capturn
Proof Set 1973 Mintage = 1000 1973 Capturn
Proof Set 1972 Mintage = 749 1972 Capturn
Proof Set 1969 Mintage = 3000 1969 Capturn
Proof Set 1968 Mintage = 5000 1968 Capturn
Proof Set 1967 Mintage = 2000 1967 Capturn
1 Dollar 2006 boraxbunny
5 Cents. FAO Aluminum 1971 boraxbunny
5 Cents 1989 boraxbunny
20 Cents 1979 boraxbunny
50 Cents 1979 boraxbunny
Not sure if it is genuine, surface looks a bit porous, although the coin have normal weight and... 1893 banivechi
This is a merchant's token, struck by Singapore merchants in England for use in Malacca. It is... 1297 Martin22
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