Region: Europe

Country: Switzerland Coins

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5 Rappen 1988 Santeem
1970 totoro_es
1975 totoro_es
1985 totoro_es
1987 totoro_es
1991 totoro_es
1974 totoro_es
1984 totoro_es
1944 totoro_es
Switzerland 1 rappen 1920-B 1920 pet
Switzerland 5 francs 1968-B 1968 pet
1887 Switzerland 1 Franc 1887 Tiffibunny
1932B Switzerland 5 Francs 1932 Tiffibunny
1943 Switzerland 2 Francs 1943 Tiffibunny
1950 Switzerland 20 Rappen 1950 Tiffibunny
1981 Switzerland 5 Francs, 500 Years Stans Convention 1981 Tiffibunny
1850 Switzerland 2 Rappen 1850 Tiffibunny
Switzerland 2 francs 1964 1964 pet
My favourite shooting medal, this one by Huguenin minted in silver for the federal shooting... 1892 Ian
Smaller (38mm) shooting medal by Bovy minted in silver for the federal shooting festival at Basel... 1844 Ian