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Region: Middle East

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Bahrain50Fils-km5-(AH1385)1965 1965 Bahrain
Bahrain100Fils-km6-(AH1385)1965 1965 Bahrain
1937 1 mil 1937 Palestine
KM-10, 1949 Israel 5 pruta; bronze, plain edge; with pearl variety, some wear, probably a good... 1949 Israel
KM-24.1, 1962 Israel agora; aluminum, plain edge, medal rotation, scalloped; scarcer variety of... 1962 Israel
Lebanon 10 Piastres 1969 1969 Lebanon
Lebanon 5 Piastres 1969 1969 Lebanon
Iran-Kingdom 2 Rial SH1351(1972) M RezaShah 1972 Iran
Israel 1 lira from the official mint set 1972. Mintage: 68.513 pieces. 1972 Israel
Israel 1/2 lira from the official mint set 1972. Mintage: 68.513 pieces. 1972 Israel
Israel 25 agorot from the official mint set 1972. Mintage: 68.513 pieces. 1972 Israel
Israel 10 agorot from the official mint set 1972. Mintage: 68.513 pieces. 1972 Israel
Israel 5 agorot from the official mint set 1971. Mintage: 68.513 pieces. 1972 Israel
Israel 1 agora from the official mint set 1972. Mintage: 68.513 pieces. 1972 Israel
Israel 1 lira from the official mint set 1971. Mintage: 125.921 pieces. 1971 Israel
Israel 1/2 lira from the official mint set 1971. Mintage: 125.921 pieces. 1971 Israel
Israel 25 agorot from the official mint set 1971. Mintage: 125.921 pieces. 1971 Israel
Israel 10 agorot from the official mint set 1971. Mintage: 125.921 pieces. 1971 Israel
Israel 5 agorot from the official mint set 1971. Mintage: 125.921 pieces. 1971 Israel
Israel 1 agora from the official mint set 1971. Mintage: 125.921 pieces. 1971 Israel