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Region: South America

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Peru 1 sol. 2019, Giant Titicaca Frog 2019 Peru
Peru 1 sol. 2019, Andean Cat 2019 Peru
1830 French Guiana
KM-L10, 1921 Colombia 2 centavos; copper-nickel, plain edge; leprozorium coinage, RH initials... 1921 Colombia
KM-205, 1781 Brazil 160 reis, Lisbon mint; silver, corded edge; Maria I and Pedro III, early... 1781 Brazil
KM-159.1, 1883 Bolivia 20 centavos, Potosi mint (PTS mintmark in monogram), FE essayer initials;... 1883 Bolivia
Colombia 20 centavos. 1972 (II) 1972 Colombia
Colombia 20 centavos. 1971 1971 Colombia
Colombia 10 centavos. 1973 1973 Colombia
Colombia 10 centavos. 1971 1971 Colombia
Colombia 10 centavos. 1967 1967 Colombia
Colombia 5 centavos. 1938 1938 Colombia
Colombia 100 pesos. 1993 1993 Colombia
Colombia 5 pesos. 1980 (II) 1980 Colombia
KM-517, 1931 Brazil 50 reis; copper-nickel, plain edge; scarce year of the type, mintage just... 1931 Brazil
KM-526, 1925 Brazil 2000 reis; silver, reeded edge; common type, average circulated, good fine or... 1925 Brazil
KM-526, 1924 Brazil 2000 reis; silver, reeded edge; first year of the laureat Liberty type,... 1924 Brazil
KM-160, 1902 Chile 50 centavos, Santiago mint (So mint mark); silver, reeded edge; average... 1902 Chile
KM-506, 1907 Brazil 500 reis; silver, reeded edge; Liberty type, nice grade, maybe uncirculated... 1907 Brazil
Brazil 1 real. 2017, 25 Years of Real 2019 Brazil