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Slovenia 5 tolarjev. 1999 1999 Slovenia
KM-3, 1933 Ireland penny; bronze, plain edge; Irish Free States, average good fine to very fine. 1931 Ireland
KM-3, 1960 Netherlands Antilles 1/10 gulden; silver, reeded edge; Juliana, pleasantly toned... 1960 Netherlands Antilles
Slovenia 1 tolar. 1995, Mint Kremnica. 1995 Slovenia
Russia 10 rubles. 1993 (MMD) 1993 Russia
Israel 10 new agorot. 1980 (5740) V 1980 Israel
KM-4, 1965 Netherlands Antilles 1/4 gulden; silver, reeded edge; Juliana, toned good extra fine. 1965 Netherlands Antilles
1 Dollar (Cook Islands - Associated state of New Zealand / Queen Elizabeth II / Series: Titanic... 2022 Cook Islands
10 Kurus (Ottoman Empire / Sultan Abdul Hamid II // SILVER 0.830 / 12.03g / ⌀27.4mm / Low... 1876 Turkey
2 Shillings (Z.A.R. - Transvaal Boer Republic / Johannes Paulus Kruger // SILVER 0.925 / 11.31g /... 1896 South Africa
500 Fils (British Administration of Bahrain / Emir Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa / Opening of Isa... 1968 Bahrain
1 Dinar (Republic of Tunisia / History of Tunisia Series - Neptunus // SILVER 0.925 / 20g /... 1969 Tunisia
1 Dollar (United States of America / 50th Anniversary of World War II // SILVER 0.900 / 26.73g /... 1995 USA
10.000 Lire (Republic of San Marino / Commemorative issue - Great navigators: Giovanni Caboto //... 1997 San Marino
5000 Francs CFA (Republic of Chad / Commemorative issue - Pioneer Plaque 50 Years // SILVER... 2022 Chad
2 Dollars (Niue - Associated state of New Zealand / Queen Elizabeth II / Series: Star Wars -... 2022 Niue
1000 Francos CFA (Republic of Equatorial Guinea // SILVER 0.999 / 31.1g / ⌀39mm / Low Mintage:... 2022 Equatorial Guinea
Liberia 5 cents. 1961 1961 Liberia
Mauritius 1 rupee. 1978 (II) 1978 Mauritius
Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Monarchy) 1 filler. 1895 1895 Hungary