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Region: Middle East

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Israel 2006 10 agorot. Special thanks to TQ! 2006 Israel
500 Rials 1385 2006 Iran
250 Rials 1385 2006 Iran
100 Rials 1385 2006 Iran
50 Rials 1385 2006 Iran
Israel 5 agorot. 2006 (5766) 2006 Israel
50 rials SH1385 2006 Iran
500 rials SH 1385 2006 Iran
KURDISTAN~1,000 Dinar 1427 AH/2006 AD. Self-proclaimed republic inside of Iraq. 2006 Iraq
2006 250 Livres 2006 Lebanon
50 Fils 2006 Jordan
100 Fils 2006 Jordan
250 Fils 2006 Jordan
2006 10 agorot 2006 Israel
Kurdistan 2006 2500 Dinars - bi-metallic copper outer ring with brass centre. 2006 Unknown
2006 20 Rials - Republic 2006 Yemen
50 Livres withdrawn 2006 Lebanon
Kuwait 5 Fils 1427-2006 Emir Sabah IV 2006 Kuwait
Lebanon, 250 livres, 2006, Brass, 23.5mm, 5.01g, Cedar tree. 2006 Lebanon
100 Fils Copper-Nickel cemtre in Brass ring (kingdom of Bahrain). 2006 Bahrain
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