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Poland 20 groszy. 2024 2024 Poland
KM-5, 1928 Ireland (Free State) 6 pence; copper-nickel, plain edge; Irish Wolfhound, good very... 1928 Ireland
Bolivia 5 bolivianos. 2010 2010 Bolivia
KM-18, 1929 Sarawak cent, Heaton mint (H mint mark); bronze, plain edge; Charles V. Brooke, light... 1929 Malaysia
AR Czech minted in the city of Sevsk in 1686 for the support of the ill fated Crimean Campaign of... 1686 Russia
AE 1 kopeck 1710 BK 1710 Russia
AE 2 kopeck 1838 CM 1838 Russia
AE 1 kopeck 1833 CM 1833 Russia
AE 1 kopeck 1837 CM 1837 Russia
AE 1 kopeck 1822 KM-AM 1822 Russia
AE Denga (1/2 kopeck) 1815 KM-AM 1815 Russia
AE 1/4 kopeck 1846 CM 1846 Russia
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy 10 heller. 1910 (II) 1910 Austria
Jersey 1/12 shilling. 1947 1947 Jersey
Jersey 1/24 shilling. 1937 1937 Jersey
Italy 1 lira. 1942 1942 Italy
KM-116, 1960 Germany (Federal Republic) 2 mark, Stuttgart mint (F mint mark); copper-nickel,... 1960 Germany
KM-10, 1953 Ireland 1/2 penny; bronze, plain edge; light brown good very fine. 1953 Ireland
KM-147, 1805 Ireland 1/2 penny; copper, engrailed and center slant reeded edge; George III,... 1805 Ireland
Hungary 500 forint. 2002, Farkas Kempelen's chess machine 1769. Cu-ni. Mintage: 5.000 pcs. 2002 Hungary