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50 pence 2020 - Queen Elizabeth II 2020 United Kingdom
Singapore 20 cents. 1979 1979 Singapore
Guatemala 25 centavos. 1993 (II) 1993 Guatemala
Guatemala 10 centavos. 1994 1994 Guatemala
Cuba 10 centavos. 1989, INTUR - Visitor's Coinage. 1989 Cuba
Jamaica 5 cents. 1969 1969 Jamaica
Madagascar 50 ariary. 1996 1996 Madagascar
£5 80th Anniversary of D Day 2024 Jersey
Pitcairn Islands £2 Peter Rabbit 2023 New Zealand
2 Euro Napoleon Bonapart and the French in Malta 1798 2023 Malta
25c 100th Anniversary of Micky Mouse 2023 Barbados
$20 Snowman 2014 Canada
Thailand 10 baht. 1996, 50th Anniversary - Reign of King Rama IX. Minted in Italy. Y#328.2 1996 Thailand
German Empire 10 pfennig. 1908 (J) 1908 Germany
Austria 2 schilling. 1946 1946 Austria
Off-centre strike 1983 P Jefferson nickel. 1983 USA
Pitcairn Islands £5 Harry Potter Hogwart Express 2024 New Zealand
£5 Bond Films of the 1980s the Bede BD-5J 'Acrostar' plane from Octopussy 2024 United Kingdom
Jersey £5 Coronation of King Charles III 2023 Jersey
$2 Pitcairn Islands Remembrance Day 2013 New Zealand