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Liberia, 10 dollars, 2001, Cu-Ni, 28.5g, 38.61mm, Moments of Freedom, Freedom of Communication -... 2001 Liberia
Liberia, 10 dollars, 2001, Cu-Ni, 28.5g, 38.61mm, Moments of Freedom, William Tell - 14th Cent. 2001 Liberia
Liberia, 10 dollars, 2001, Cu-Ni, 28.5g, 38.61mm, Moments of Freedom, Freedom of Science -... 2001 Liberia
Liberia, 10 dollars, 2001, Cu-Ni, 28.5g, 38.61mm, Moments of Freedom, Foundation of Liberia - 1847. 2001 Liberia
Liberia, 10 dollars, 2001, Cu-Ni, 28.5g, 38.61mm, Moments of Freedom, End of Christian... 2001 Liberia
Switzerland 5 rappen. 1963 (B) 1963 Switzerland
Switzerland 5 rappen. 1958 (B) 1958 Switzerland
Switzerland 2 rappen. 1969 (II) 1969 Switzerland
Switzerland 2 rappen. 1951 (B) 1951 Switzerland
Switzerland 1 rappen. 1957 (B) 1957 Switzerland
Switzerland 1 rappen. 1970 (II) 1970 Switzerland
France 5 centimes. 1855, Napoleon III. W - Lille. 1855 France
France 5 centimes. 1854, Napoleon III. MA - Marseille. 1854 France
Monaco 1 franc. 1982 (II) 1982 Monaco
Jersey 1 new penny. 1971 1971 Jersey
Cyprus 1 piastre. 1938 (II) 1938 Cyprus
Cyprus 1 piastre. 1938 1938 Cyprus
Croatia 50 lipa. 2016, Latin text; Degenia velebitica (Velebit degenia) 2016 Croatia
Pakistan 5 rupees. 1995, 50th Anniversary of the United Nations. 1995 Pakistan
Ghana 200 cedis. 1998 1998 Ghana