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Region: Middle East

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5 Agorot, 17.5 mmm, 2.3 g, Aluminium-bronze 1973 Israel
5 Riyals, Silver, Reza Shah Pahlavi, 1311 (Irani kingdome calender) 1311 Iran
Iraq, 1 fil, 1953, Bronze, King Faisal II... 1953 Iraq
One Lira Issued 1950 From Repuplic Of Syria 1950 Syria
1944 Palestine, 20 Mils. Mintage 1,000,000. KM 5. 1944 Palestine
10 Fils, Stainless steel 1979 Iraq
Elymais Orodes IV c AD 190? AE Drachm 2.44g 14mm Facing bust of king Bust of Queen Ulfan or... 190 Iran
100 Fils State of Bahrain 1992 Bahrain
5 Agorot, 5760(2000) 5760 Israel
50 piastres AH1377 0.600 silver 1958 Syria
1/4 Silver Riyal, Saudi Arabia, 1354A.H. 1354 Saudi Arabia
Bahrein-(Kingdom of) 100 Fils 2009 2009 Bahrain
10 Piasters Syrian State silver 1933 Syria
Jordan, 5 fils 1384 (1964). 1964 Jordan
1/2 LIRA copper nickel 1964 Israel
Elymais Orodes II c AD 100? AE Drachm 3.34g 14mm Facing head-anchor-one bar-crescent & star... 100 Iran
Lebanon, 1 piastre 1925. 1925 Lebanon
2 Fils, bronze 1933 Iraq
1979 Syria 1 Pound 1979 Syria
10 Fils The diameter is smaller than other one 1996 United Arab Emirates
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