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Bolivia 2 bolivianos. 2012 2012 Bolivia
Bolivia 1 boliviano. 1995 1995 Bolivia
Bolivia 50 centavos. 2001 2001 Bolivia
Bolivia 50 centavos. 2010 2010 Bolivia
£5 Windsor Castle 2013 Falkland Islands
20 Lei (Kingdom of Romania / King Mihai I - 1st reign // Nickel Brass / K.N. Mint) 1930 Romania
1 Shu (Tokugawa Shogunate / Emperor Komei - Osahito // SILVER 0.968 / 1.86g / Minted 1854-1865) 1854 Japan
2 Krooni (Republic of Estonia / Toompea Fortress at Tallinn // SILVER 0.500 / 12g / ⌀30mm) 1930 Estonia
10 Lire (Republic of San Marino // SILVER 0.835 / 10g / ⌀27mm / Low Mintage: 30.000 pcs) 1935 San Marino
1 Peso (United Mexican States // SILVER 0.720 / 16.6g / ⌀34mm) 1940 Mexico
1 Dinar (Republic of Tunisia / History of Tunisia Series - Phoenices // SILVER 0.925 / 20g /... 1969 Tunisia
1 Dollar (United States of America / 200th Anniversary of the Constitution // SILVER 0.900 /... 1987 USA
10.000 Won (Republic of Korea / Olympic Games 1988 in Seoul - Gymnast // SILVER 0.925 / 33.62g /... 1988 Korea - South
10 Dollars (Somali Republic - Token / The African Monkey - Chimpanzee // SILVER 0.999 / 31.2g /... 1999 Somalia
1 Dollar (Commonwealth of Australia / Queen Elizabeth II / Series: Wildflowers of Australia -... 2022 Australia
Panama 1/4 balboa. 1982 (II) 1982 Panama
Panama 1/4 balboa. 2017 2017 Panama
Panama 1/4 balboa. 2001 2001 Panama
Panama 5 centesimos. 2018 (II) 2018 Panama
Panama 1/10 balboa. 2018 2018 Panama