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AE Denga (1/2 kopeck) 1760 1760 Russia
AE Denga (1/2 kopeck) 1749 1749 Russia
AE 5 kopeck 1726 MD. Only 9.6 grams, ~47% of the regular weight. Possibly a contemporary... 1726 Russia
AE 5 kopeck 1723 1723 Russia
AE 2 kopeck 1831 CM 1831 Russia
Gambia 1 butut. 1985, F.A.O. 1985 Gambia
Singapore 5 cents. 1978 1978 Singapore
Singapore 1 cent. 1995 (II) 1995 Singapore
Malaysia 5 sen. 1973 1973 Malaysia
Malaysia 5 sen. 1989 1989 Malaysia
Pakistan 5 paisa. 1974, F.A.O. 1974 Pakistan
Nepal 5 paisa. 1976 1976 Nepal
Nepal 1 paisa. 1971 (III) 1971 Nepal
New Zealand 1 cent. 1980 1980 New Zealand
Pakistan 1 paisa. 1973 1973 Pakistan
Pakistan 1 paisa. 1975, F.A.O. 1975 Pakistan
Ceylon 1 cent. 1971 1971 Sri Lanka
Netherlandse Antilles 1 cent. 2003 2003 Netherlands Antilles
Philippines 1 sentimo. 1969 (II) 1969 Philippines
Peru 1 centimo. 2009 2009 Peru