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Region: Europe

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San Marino 20 lire. 1973, Human Solidarity (II) 1973 San Marino
San Marino 200 lire. 1982, Religious Tolerance. 1982 San Marino
San Marino 200 lire. 1978, Life and Work - Weaver. 1978 San Marino
Belgium 25 centimes. 1970, Dutch text. 1970 Belgium
Belgium 50 centimes. 1982, Dutch text (II) 1982 Belgium
Belgium 50 centimes. 1977, French text. 1977 Belgium
Belgium 50 centimes. 1979, Dutch text. 1979 Belgium
Belgium 50 centimes. 1998, French text. 1998 Belgium
Brunswick (Herzogtum Braunschweig) 50 pfennig. 1918, Iron. Notgeld. 1918 Germany
City of Hamburg 5/100 verrechnungsmarke. 1923. Notgeld. 1923 Germany
50 new pence 1978 1978 United Kingdom
10 new pence 1976 (II) 1976 United Kingdom
10 new pence 1976 1976 United Kingdom
5 new pence 1975 1975 United Kingdom
1 new penny 1978 1978 United Kingdom
France 1 centime. 1919 1919 France
AE Medallion commemorating the founding of the Russian Numismatic Society on the 8th of March 1911. 1911 Russia
Italy 20 lire. 1977 1977 Italy
AE 1 kopeck of Peter the Great. 1707 BK large format planchet. NGC-VF25BN 1707 Russia
AR Peter the Great kopeck. Old Mint. GH# 300. 1702 Russia
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