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Region: Europe

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50p Harry Potter Hogwarts 2023 United Kingdom
50p Harry Potter Albus Dumbledore 2023 United Kingdom
50p Harry Potter Hogwarts Express 2022 United Kingdom
50p Harry potter 2022 United Kingdom
10 Euro - 2006 FIFA World Cup. 2004 San Marino
10 Euro - 100th Anniversary of Maurice Maeterlinck's "L'oiseau bleu" - Blue Bird. 2008 Belgium
50p Lion The Witch & the wardrobe, Narnia 2023 United Kingdom
50p Xmas Snowman 2023 United Kingdom
50p Star Wars Han Solo & Chewbacca 2024 United Kingdom
50p Star Wars R2-D2 & C-3PO 2023 United Kingdom
£5 The Royal Tudor Beasts The Bull of Clarence 2023 United Kingdom
£5 Music Legend Series The Police 2023 United Kingdom
£5 Music Legend Series The Rolling Stones 2022 United Kingdom
Farthing 1953, Very rare variety. The cross is between 2 beads and the F of Farthing is between... 1953 United Kingdom
Half crown 1967 (II) 1967 United Kingdom
Half crown 1966 1966 United Kingdom
Half crown 1964 1964 United Kingdom
Half crown 1963 1963 United Kingdom
Half crown 1962 1962 United Kingdom
Half crown 1961 1961 United Kingdom