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Region: Asia

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1 Cent (Dutch East Indies / Queen Wilhelmina // Bronze 4g / D-type /*) 1945 Indonesia
3 Dram (Republic of Armenia / Aluminium) 1994 Armenia
1 Baht (Kingdom of Thailand / King Rama IX // Copper-Nickel) 1977 Thailand
100 Rupiah (Republic of Indonesia // Copper-Nickel) 1973 Indonesia
100 Rupiah (Republic of Indonesia // Aluminium-Bronze) 1996 Indonesia
10 Won (Republic of Korea // Brass 4.06g) 2005 Korea - South
50 Luma (Republic of Armenia / Aluminium) 1994 Armenia
1 Cent (Dutch East Indies / Queen Wilhelmina // Copper 4.8g) 1897 Indonesia
100 Rupiah (Republic of Indonesia / Forestry for prosperity // Copper-Nickel /*) 1978 Indonesia
Nepal 50 paisa. 1981, International Year of Disabled Persons. 1981 Nepal
1 Anna (British India / King George V // Copper-Nickel) 1918 India
1 Baht (Kingdom of Thailand / King Rama IX // Copper-Nickel) 1962 Thailand
Bhutan 50 ngultrums. 1981, F.A.O. - World Food Day. Ag 925. Weight; 28,28g. Diameter; 38,61mm.... 1981 Bhutan
1 Cent (Dutch East Indies / Queen Wilhelmina // Bronze 4g / S-type) 1945 Indonesia
2 Rupees (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka // Copper-Nickel) 1984 Sri Lanka
Papua New Guinea 5 kina. 1975, Proof from Franklin Mint. Ag 500. Weight; 27,6g. Diameter; 40mm.... 1975 Papua New Guinea
Singapore 10 dollars. 1980, Satelitte communication. Nickel. Weight; 28g. Diameter; 40,7mm. 1980 Singapore
Singapore 5 dollars. 1987, 100th Anniversary of the National Museum. Cu-ni. Weight; 20g.... 1987 Singapore
Maldives 20 rufiyaa. 1977, F.A.O. Ag 500. Weight; 28,28g. Diameter; 38,6mm. Mintage: 15.000 pcs. 1977 Maldives
KM-124, 1955 Ceylon 2 cents; brass, scalloped flan, plain edge; Elizabeth II, short 2-year type,... 1955 Sri Lanka